You are receiving this information because like most people, you will know someone who is suffering from cancer or you may have been recently diagnosed yourself. – This information is critically important for everyone to know. I am not selling you anything, but I do promise you that the knowledge gained here will provide more than just hope - it will change lives forever.
I and many others have found information that has been concealed from us for over 80 years. Our intention is to inform as many people as possible about not only a cure for all cancers, but also how to prevent you from ever getting cancer.
All you have to do is read it and watch the links and share this knowledge - nothing else. The information provided is totally free and is scientifically researched and proven to work on 1000’s of cancer patients since the 1960’s.
You may ask – Where is the proof?
You may ask – If there was a cure for cancer, the doctors would be using it.
You may also ask – Trillions of dollars are allocated in the last 100 years for cancer research - but how come no one has found a cure yet? – or Have they?
Watch this first >>>> World Without Cancer by G. Edward Griffin (1973 video)
Latest interview with G. Edward Griffin
“Cancer is profitable as long as it’s not cured.” -John Richardson and G. Edward Griffin explore the journey of writing "World Without Cancer: The Story of Vitamin B17" in 1974. In the book, Mr. Griffin marshals the evidence that cancer is a deficiency disease, Vitamin B17, hybridization of our food supply to eliminate amygdalin(Vitamin B17) such as Lima(Butter) beans. Bitter vs sweet apricots seeds
This interview took place during Operation World Without Cancer’s Re-Launch of the Cancer Control Society on Thursday, November 21, 2024 in Scottsdale, AZ.
Mike Adams, Health Ranger, interviews Richardson Nutritional Center's John Richardson, discussing the little known history of Laetrile (Vitamin B17), as well as the treasure trove of 50-year-old research documents that RNC has acquired.
John Richardson from RNC gives us an update on the 36 pallets of information that he obtained that has been locked away for decades concerning the truth about cancer and solutions to preventing and healing from it.
CANCER CONTROL SOCIETY - "Nature's Answer to Cancer: a DOCUMENTARY ON LAETRILE -the man who discovered Laetrile, Dr. Ernst Krebs Sr.
G. Edward Griffin Testimony About Cancer And Vitamin B-17
Did you know that Ronald Regan had stage 4 cancer and was cured in 1985– See this jaw dropping interview with John Richardson.
Turbo cancer and B17 Apricots-God's seeds
Apricot Seeds Use Testimonials
Apricot Seeds Use Testimonials from WebMD
Read about how Laetrile (B-17) is used as the chief anti-tumour agent.
1 Bitter Apricot seed contains 20mg of amygdalin(Vitamin B17)
1 Apple seed contains 1mg of amygdalin(Vitamin B17)
And next time you eat an apple, don’t forget to eat the apple seeds
CANCER TRUTH PART ONE: In a letter to a colleague, the world famous Vitamin C guru, Dr. Linus Pauling said, "The war on cancer is a fraud." Son of the renown Dr. John Richardson, the pioneer who used apricot seeds as a high source of Vitamin B17 or Laetrile to help patients recover from cancer, John Richardson returns to share more discoveries from the hidden vault of the doctors, like his father, who found natural remedies but who were chastised, raided, jailed and murdered for their courageous research. In Part 2 in the next show, Richardson brings evidence of the successful treatments of breast cancer that would have made mastectomy a thing of the past...50 YEARS AGO.
Dr. Jane Ruby is an American scientist, medical professional, and commentator. You can follow her Substack at and her work on
CANCER TRUTH PART TWO of John Richardson's interview on the findings of the Cancer Control Society's secret vault revealing that Professor and Chair of Loyola University's Biology Department, Dr. Harold Manner published that mastectomy would become a thing of the past if natural remedies were used and he was fired. The stunning conclusion from the son of the famous Dr. John Richardson, champion of laetrile from apricot seeds for recovering cancer patients.
Cancer The Forbidden Cures. A Film By Massimo Mazzucco
Dr. Richardson's Cancer treatment Protocol Updated 2024
To read the following web site - Right click and Translate to English
Please Note: Only use naturally-dried Bitter Apricot kernels/seeds which have not been pasteurized, steamed, roasted, cooked or treated and thus retain all the natural nutrients.
Where to Purchase Bitter Raw Apricot Seeds
Please note: On one occasion an order from RNCstore was detained for 6 weeks and then destroyed by Australian customs. Reason: There is an unacceptable level of biosecurity risk associated with the goods. I found that RNCstore customer support to be excellent. Please read the customer reviews for Turkish vs Californian Apricot seeds.
In this TikTok Live event, @jasielcreatedtoheal interviews Richardson Nutritional Center's John Richardson about the power of Vitamin B17 through the God-given Apricot Seed. Capping off their wide-ranging discussion, John takes questions from Jasiel's audience.
Freezing apricot seeds - Forward wind the following video to 38:40 for shelf life and freezing.
John Richardson, head of Richardson Nutritional Center LLC, tells the heartbreaking story of how his father and other innovators were, as he describes it, successfully treating cancer by using Laetrile, or a common ingredient found in the seeds of apricots and other fruits. Despite findings by other researchers that appeared to show that Laetrile can be useful in treating cancer, he says that a campaign of detraction and harassment was waged against the treatment and practitioners who were using it in the care of their patients. Laetrile was smeared in legacy media for decades and doctors who recommended it, says Richardson, were assailed by establishment medicine.‹
Do apricot seeds, or B17, help with cancer, asthma, and other heavily medicated conditions? Only real research will confirm or debunk that possibility, and only real reporting will disclose the facts about this possible treatment.
The Hanzas People of Northern Pakistan lived well above hundred years old and never had cancer.
What was in their routine diet? - tradition of eating apricot seeds which contain nitriloside/amygdalin
But there is also a society of Eskimos that eat the bile duct of wild wild caribou(reindeer). They have zero cancer
If you look into the bile duct of wild caribou - 30% of the foods they eat a full of or nitriloside/amygdalin
of CANCER - Cancer Control Society
“When these primitive and relatively cancer-free people move to the cities, the incidence of cancer among them rises as they assume the nitriloside-free Westernized diet. Like the rest of civilized mankind, they then show a cancer incidence of one in every three or four individuals if they live for a sufficiently long period.”
Link to studies: nitrilosides
Depending upon the different varieties, apricot seeds contain cyanogenic glycoside amygdalin. It is commonly found in the bitter apricot kernel, cherry, apple seed, and almond. Several reports revealed that apricot kernel has been used for treating hypertension(high blood pressure), chronic inflammation, cancer, and other reaction diseases and for the treatment of migraine. In addition, amygdalin also improves cerebral function. Amygdalin (present in the skin of the kernel) plays an imperative role against cancer. According to a systematic review, the amygdalin compound presented pharmacological activities of anti-tumor, anti-fibrotic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, immunomodulatory, and anti-atherosclerosis, ameliorating the digestive system and reproductive system, improving neurodegeneration and myocardial hypertrophy, as well as reducing blood glucose.
Dr Ralph Moss Chris Wark Podcast - The Laetrile trial coverup - Ralph Moss, PhD author of Questioning Chemotherapy, The Cancer Industry and Cancer, Incorporated
You Tube link to above link - Please read comments section also
The Moss Report fill list of podcasts:
The Moss Report Podcast, Dr. Moss speaks with Dr. Francisco Contreras and Daniel Kennedy about the Oasis of Hope clinic located in Tijuana. In this interview, they discuss the history of the clinic, their current approach, and where theyâ€d like to see cancer treatments headed in the future.
Oasis of Hope, the oldest CAM clinic for cancer in Mexico, has made headlines for their use of Laetrile, a treatment derived from apricot kernels that has been the subject of much controversy in the US. The clinic also utilizes chemotherapy, dendritic cell vaccines, immune therapies as well as targeted metabolic therapies.
The Moss Report - link to above podcast which you can forward and rewind:
Some real world testimonials on how people are using apricot seeds to cure their pets with cancer and apricot seed dosing:
Bombshell interview with Dr. William Makis on using IVERMECTIN and FENBENDAZOLE protocols to eliminate CANCER
Fendbendazole facebook cancer support group
CDB oil can cure cancers, curcumin , Dr Pierre Kory.
The deliberate Sabotage of Ivermectin studies (under dosing to make sure it doesn't work for cancer)
Ivermectin dosing.
Star anise(shikimic acid)
Pine needle tea
Daneline root
black seed oil
black cumin seed
Dr Jane Ruby Show - INDUCING ANAPHYLAXIS OVER THE LIFESPAN: Analyst Sasha Latypova, in collaboration with Katherine Watt, found that the crimes are in the vaccine additives! The entire vaccine operation is about injecting FOREIGN PROTEINS IN THE FORM OF FOOD PROTEINS, this is how the peanut allergy explosion happened. This is a multi-prong attack, if you ever needed proof to discourage people from continuing with vaccines, this is it
Avoid Blood Transfusions.
Why nicotine patches work for dogs with rabies.
Why nicotine cures long covid symptoms
Why nicotine prevents AD/Dementia, improves memory and reverses Parkinsons.
Why nicotine prevents Glyphosate attaching to nicotinic receptors.
Why nicotine prevents covid-19.
Vitamin C, NAC, EDTA, Labelia
“Did you know that cigarette smokers and people who use tobacco products were the most protected from getting covid-19 more than any other group of people in the entire world.”
SURPRISING! Who was the #1 COVID risk? Are They Still in Danger? - Dr. Bryan Ardis
Pyrazines are chemicals added to cigarettes to make nicotine(which by itself is NOT ADDICTIVE) to be extremely addictive. It is not the nicotine than makes cigarettes addictive it is a higly addictive chemical Pyrazines.
Pyrazines are chemicals that tobacco companies are adding to tobacco products since the 1970's to create addiction and to create learning behaviors that you cannot resist or refuse.
Pyrazines comprise 15 of the 599 chemical added to cigarettes.
Pyrazines is not listed as an ingredient - This in itself is criminal.
DR. BRYAN ARDIS | What you Don't Know about Nicotine could KILL YOU! Exposing the Lie. Revealing the Benefits.
In this podcast episode, Dr. Ardis discusses strategies for preventing and treating Parkinson's disease. He highlights supplements like taurine, selenium, and a foreign protein cleanse as potential aids in managing the condition. Dr. Ardis explains the symptoms of Parkinson's and common pharmaceutical drugs used for treatment, cautioning against relying solely on medication due to potential side effects. He explores natural solutions for managing symptoms and recommends supplements like acetyl cysteine, taurine, and quercetin. Additionally, Dr. Ardis discusses the potential benefits of nicotine in treating Parkinson's disease and suggests considering nicotine patches or gum as part of a treatment plan. Throughout the episode, he emphasizes the importance of educating oneself and consulting with healthcare professionals when exploring treatment options for Parkinson's disease.
Restless Legs Syndrome(1:00:00), Osteoporosis, Cholesterol, Reversing Myocarditis, Shingles, Monkey Pox, etc
Dr Cindee Becker interviews Dr Bryan Ardis in open Q and A on a multitude of topics. This interview is PACKED with natural remedies for many conditions from diabetes 1 and 2, snake venom poisoning, shingles, pox viruses, restless leg, blood clots, myocarditis, COVID-19 vaccine complications, tinnitus, and osteoporosis to in depth information about magnesium, selenium, NAC, glutathione, purple pitcher plant, nicotine,
Dr Bryan Ardis responds in open Q&A with Dr B on Higher Ground News Report
Restless Legs and Magnesium
Most of your body's magnesium is stored in your bones, organs, and other body tissue. Only a small amount is found in your blood
Note: Only 1 percent of magnesium in your body is in your bloodstream, so often you can have a deficiency, and it would not even be discovered by a common blood test.
Pharmacist Ben Fuchs and Dr. Bryan Ardis reveal explosive truths about NICOTINE, reptile venom peptides in pharmaceuticals and more
Biggest RACKET in medicine. Man in America and Dr. Ardis. They have been lying to you about salt. Switch to unrefined sea salt or ground salt. Brands include Real Salt, celtic salts, himalaya salts.
In 2016 Tel Aviv, Isreal University did the largest research study on high blood pressure, followed 500,000 people in 49 countries for 10 years.
The people with the best average blood pressure were those who ate the most salt in their diet everyday.
The Tel Aviv study figured out the best amount of salt you should be consuming everyday to keep your blood pressure normal is between 6000mg to 9000mg of salt.
“When The Lancet published the Telaviv study in 2016 - Guess who sued them for publishing that paper? - The American Heart Association.
If you publish that paper and don't retract it, we're going to pull all funding for The Lancet.
On the The Amercian Heart Association website, you will see the entire study still published and a header paragraph - This paper has been retracted due to the threat from the American Heart Association.”
Why would that be threatening?
LIVE Q&A w/ Dr. Ardis: Nicotine, Ozempic, Bird Flu & More | Your Questions Answered
The above quote is from the below video at 32:20
"We have been lied to so many times in medicine. One of the greatest LIES ever told to humanity by medicine is that SALT is bad for you and that salt increases your blood pressure. It does not. You have been lied to.
High blood pressure drugs are a MASSIVE boon [profit] for the pharma complex. Let me give you some perspective. The FDA tells you: you can only eat up to [approx] 2200 to 2400 mg salt of day. The American Heart Association says it is 1100 to 1200 mg of salt per day. The truth is that the Tel Aviv Israel [2016 Research Study] figured out that the actual BEST AMOUNT OF UNREFINED SALT that you should be consuming every day to keep your blood pressure normal is between 6000 to 9000 mg of [unrefined] salt per day..."
"[If/When] You have stroke-level high blood pressure and you called an ambulance, do you know the first thing they are going to inject inside of you when you get into the ambulance and they take you to the hospital? Without ever talking to a doctor, they are going to inject you with SALINE. [SALINE is SALT] Do you know what saline is? 9000 mg(9 grams) of SALT in that 1 litre [IV] bag of water. If you have extremely high blood pressure at stroke level, do you know they will do 2 of those [IV] bags of salt in what they call 'a push'. They will push 18,000 mg(18 grams) of salt inside your body. And what happens? Your blood pressure starts coming down....They [the Hospital System] only are charged $2 to buy those [IV] bags of salt. Do you know what the average adult charge is for a [IV] bag of salt in the hospital. $893 they bill your insurance for a $2 dollar bag of salt is the largest RACKET in medicine. " ~ Dr. Bryan Ardis
Unrefined = no high heat treatment. No additives. No preservatives.
FULL PRESENTATION: Man in America, LIVE Q&A w/ Dr. Ardis: Nicotine, Ozempic, Bird Flu & Wormwood / ivermectin, Mucuna Pruriens More | Your Questions Answered.
DR ARDIS: SALT and High Blood Pressure. They have been Lying to You/ Dr Thomas E. Levy - Board certified Cardiologist
"We have been lied to so many times in medicine. One of the greatest lies ever told to humanity by medicine is that salt is bad for you and that salt increases your blood pressure - it does not - and you have been lied to.”
Dr Thomas E. Levy Cardiologist interview with Dr Brian Ardis - Salt /Blood Pressure / Root canal causes breast cancer
It's Time to End the War on Salt
Meta-analysis of seven studies involving a total of 6,250 subjects in the American Journal of Hypertension found no strong evidence that cutting salt intake reduces the risk for heart attacks, strokes or death in people with normal or high blood pressure. In May European researchers publishing in the Journal of the American Medical Association reported that the less sodium that study subjects excreted in their urine—an excellent measure of prior consumption the greater their risk was of dying from heart disease
It's Time to End the War on Salt Scientific American
In his book The Salt Fix: Why the Experts Got It All Wrong And How Eating More Might Save Your Life,
"If you look at some of the healthiest diets in the world, the Mediterranean diet, the Japanese diet, these are not low-salt diets," he says. " And many countries with the lowest rates of death due to heart disease eat very salty diets - countries like Japan, France and South Korea." - Dr. James DiNicolantonio
Dr. Robert Willner 12-7-94 Press Conference - HIV/AIDS Was A Murderous Scam
Can you get cholesterol in your diet?
Yes, you can eat foods that are rich in cholesterol.
What was known in 1960, but some how escaped everybody's imagination,until finally the American Heart Association acknowledged this a few years ago, is that the cholesterol you eat does not really make it into your body.
And the reason for that is it's esterified.
So in other words, there are small amounts of dietary cholesterol that do make their way
into our circulation, but it represents a small fraction of our total body's pool of cholesterol.
Again, this was known even by Ancel Keys, the guy who turned fat into the biggest boogeyman of all time.
Ancel Keys acknowledged this in the 1960s - Dietary cholesterol plays no role in serum cholesterol.
Again, it took the American Heart Association another 60 years to figure that out,
but even now they acknowledge that - Dietary cholesterol has no bearing.
The Truth About Dietary Cholesterol | Dr. Peter Attia & Dr. Andrew Huberman
Dietary Cholesterol and the Lack of Evidence in Cardiovascular Disease
“They take a population of deficient and define normal from this deficient population.”
The majority of people are deficient in Vitamin D for decades - therefore Vitamin D reference levels have been obtained from a diseased population. (My opinion(Author of this website) is by diabolical design)
The Dr. Ardis Show, Dr. Bryan Ardis uncovers the science behind Black Cumin Seed Oil, also known as Nigella Sativa. This nutrient-rich plant has been used for thousands of years, and its incredible health-promoting properties are supported by modern research. Dr. Ardis explains how this powerful oil can aid in everything from supporting cardiovascular health, regulating blood sugar levels, promoting weight management, to fighting infections caused by bacteria, viruses, and fungi.
Discover the potential of Black Cumin Seed Oil to improve conditions like psoriasis, eczema, asthma, and even help in cancer prevention and kidney health. Learn how this potent ingredient in Dr. Ardisâ€s BioDefense product can provide natural support for your overall well-being. Tune in to explore how this ancient remedy can be a game-changer for your health.
Where to buy Australian Bee Pollen:
Methylene Blue - anti parasitic and memory/cognition enhancing /Alzheimer's /UTI Infections
A Second Look at Methylene Blue
In this episode of the Real Health Podcast, Chief Medical Officer Dr. Ron Hunninghake, MD, and Dr. Thomas Levy, MD, JD, revisit the topic of methylene blue. They address the themes of some of the nearly 400 questions and comments received after their March episode, including how methylene blue works, how to take it, and general suggestions for dosing.
Where to buy Methylene Blue:
Blue Photon Activator (Methylene Blue):
Be-OnGuard: Brain Fog Support, 1 fl. oz.: ( With Ascorbic acid/ Vitamin C)
The Surprising Health Benefits of Methylene Blue Interview with Dr. Francisco Gonzalez-Lima- Recommended Dosage
In this interview, Dr. Francisco Gonzalez-Lima discusses a really powerful strategy to improve your mitochondria, which generate the vast majority of the energy your cells produce from food.
Methylene blue helps mitochondrial respiration and improves brain energy metabolism. By doing that, it can improve cognitive performance and prevent neurodegeneration.
Methylene blue is the parent molecule for hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, off-patent drugs commonly used to treat not only malaria but also COVID-19.
Emergency rooms around the world use it, as it’s the only known antidote for metabolic poisons causing methemoglobinemia, which is when a metabolic poison interferes with the transport of oxygen in hemoglobin.
Methylene blue is a hormetic drug, so low doses have the opposite effect of high doses.
Low doses, 0.5 mg to 1 mg per kilo of bodyweight, are recommended for nonacute, longer-term treatments. Uses include the prevention and treatment of dementia, post-stroke and other brain injuries, cognitive enhancement, and the general optimization of health if you’re already healthy.
How Methylene Blue Antioxidants Can Slow Cognitive Decline
An Australian professor believes there is truth in the old wives' tale that arthritis can be relieved with copper. But rather than insist everyone adorn themselves with copper bangles,
Professor Ray Walker has developed a copper gel which he says is more
rapidly absorbed into the blood stream.
Professor Walker, of Newcastle University, began his research in 1974 when he set out to prove that the copper bracelet treatment was a myth. To his amazement he found the opposite - that copper did help relieve the pain and inflammation of arthritis, lower back pain and sport injuries,
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